FAA publications updated: AIM and Pilot/Controller Glossary

AIM change 3 ,effective November 3, 2022, includes the following revisions:

7-6-7. MOUNTAIN FLYING This change provides pilots guidance on the use of visual flight rules (VFR) waypoints for mountain pass entry points.

3-5-2. MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES This change to subparagraph 3-5-2e clarifies that Military Training Route (MTR) information from the Flight Information Publication (FLIP) is available through Flight Service. This change also adds a new subparagraph f that provides specific information for accessing MTR route information from the FAA. In addition, the former subparagraph f was re-lettered g and “while inflight” was added for clarification.

4-1-9. TRAFFIC ADVISORY PRACTICES AT AIRPORTS WITHOUT OPERATING CONTROL This change updates the AIM to incorporate the changes to the FAA Advisory Circular, AC90-66B, that address pilot recommended self-announce broadcasts along with recommendations for pilots conducting straight-in landings to non-towered airports. This change also adds the reference to the AC 90-66, Non-Towered Airport Flight Operations.

4-1-18. TERMINAL RADAR SERVICES FOR VFR AIRCRAFT This change adds the word “participating” and “and other participating VFR” in subparagraph 4-1-18b6 to clarify that the guidance only applies to participating visual flight rules (VFR) aircraft.

4-4-15. USE OF VISUAL CLEARING PROCEDURES This change expands the language in AIM paragraphs 4-1-20 and 4-4-15 to include the limitations inherent in visual scans for traffic and the benefits and best practices of using cockpit displays of traffic information to supplement visual scans to help overcome these limitations.

4-5-1. RADAR This change adds information to raise awareness regarding potential limitations on Air Traffic Control (ATC) radar for aircraft flying in the vicinity of wind turbine farms and expands the knowledge of pilots regarding the effects on aviation safety.

5-5-11. VISUAL APPROACH This change adds content to address go-around responsibilities after conducting a visual approach for aircraft either instructed to remain within the traffic pattern or proceed as otherwise directed by air traffic control (ATC). This change also addresses the difference in approach clearances for locations with or without an operating control tower.

7-1-10. WEATHER OBSERVING PROGRAMS This change clarifies that wind direction is reported relative to magnetic north in the Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) as well as the Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS) and the Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) broadcasts.

The AIM is updated every 180 days with the next revision scheduled for April 2023.

Pilot/Controller Glossary Update

The Pilot Controller Glossary was also updated for change 3. The Glossary is compiled to promote a common understanding of the terms used in the Air Traffic Control system. It includes those terms which are intended for pilot/controller communications.

Change 3 adds the following terms:

To access the latest Pilot/Controller Glossary, visit the library within your Sporty’s course or visit https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/media/pcg_change_3_dtd_11-3-22.pdf.

It was his first airplane trip at age seven that made Eric decide to become a pilot. "While boarding the airplane, a flight attendant noticed my interest in the flight deck and urged me to go talk to the pilot. I give a lot of credit to that pilot for my career choice." He earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and went on to an airline career. He learned to fly at Sporty’s as part of the University of Cincinnati’s Professional Pilot Program, an initiative he later directed. He earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and went on to an airline career. Eric now manages Sporty’s media network including FlightTrainingCentral.com. In addition, Eric serves as a Captain in a Cincinnati-based corporate flight department.

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